911 899 678 941 363 577



The best virtual PBX for your business in an easy to use app. The most flexible telephony for companies.

9.50€/month per user (VAT not included)


At Monema we work to restore your confidence in your mobile operator because we understand how important communications are to you

  • The best support. No waiting.
  • Cost saving.
  • Flexible services adaptable to your business..


The satisfaction of our clients guarantees us as one of the best telephone companies in Spain.

Monema has been offering telephony services for companies since 2008, specializing in virtual PBX and call centers.

  • Monema is an authorized operator by the CMT
  • 100% Spanish capital
  • Proprietary technology: we know our services and improve them continuously

We offer innovative services that can be adapted to the needs of each client, always with the highest quality. We strive to ensure that our services satisfy each of our users.

Personalized attention to each of our clients.

Imagen bloque azul

For more information, please contact us using the form below. We will be happy to assist you.



    Phone number


    Number of employees (extensions)

    I have read, understand and accept the privacy policy of the website
    For more information, go to thePrivacy Policy page.

    I agree to receive commercial information about the application and related products


    ¿Qué plan de la centralita virtual Monema se adapta mejor a las necesidades de mi empresa?

    Desde Monema le hemos dado una vuelta a nuestros planes y los hemos rediseñado según las necesidades que nos han demandado nuestros clientes. Ahora tenemos 3 planes: Basic, Standard y Advanced. Nuestros planes abarcan desde el servicio para pequeñas empresas hasta los planes más complejos para call centers o empresas de marketing que realizan y … Continued


    Telefonía Teletrabajo

    Virtual PBX: the best telephone tool for teleworking

    Among the new technologies enabling teleworking are cloud-based virtual PBX services. A virtual switchboard allows any worker to access the company’s telephony regardless of their location. The latest reports on telework show the benefits of telework for both the company and the workers: Less travel time to work Greater worker autonomy over the schedule that … Continued
