Try it free for 7 days
You will not be asked for payment details and no invoice will be generated.
Test the power of our virtual PBX in the cloud through an easy app. We also offer you a telephone number for testing and credit for calls, phone and email support or resolution of your doubts. Perfect for freelancers and companies.
It offers all the power of a virtual PBX in an easy to use app. It is a perfect service for both companies and freelancers.
You can access our service from your smartphone (Android or iOS), computer or with your IP phone.
Virtual PBX
You will have all the functionalities of an advanced PBX with maximum flexibility. The best telephony solution for companies.
Wherever you have Internet, you will have access to your company’s communications: telephony, virtual switchboard and fax.
Our service is ideal for call centers for receiving or sending calls. From 1 station to those you need.
Monema supplies all your needs: advanced reports, call recording, supervisor module, surveys, predictive dialer, CRM integration, etc.

The best virtual PBX for your business in an easy to use app. The most flexible telephony for companies.
9.50€/month per user (VAT not included)
At Monema we work to restore your confidence in your mobile operator because we understand how important communications are to you
- The best support. No waiting.
- Cost saving.
- Flexible services adaptable to your business..
The satisfaction of our clients guarantees us as one of the best telephone companies in Spain.
Monema has been offering telephony services for companies since 2008, specializing in virtual PBX and call centers.
- Monema is an authorized operator by the CMT
- 100% Spanish capital
- Proprietary technology: we know our services and improve them continuously
We offer innovative services that can be adapted to the needs of each client, always with the highest quality. We strive to ensure that our services satisfy each of our users.
Personalized attention to each of our clients.

For more information, please contact us using the form below. We will be happy to assist you.